Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The New Life: ...

Maybe I’ve just lost all of my marbles…

I’ve always been what my Momma and Beans call sensitive. Not emotionally sensitive, I’m that too, but what we are talking about is sensitive to paranormal things. I had my first “experience” when I was fourteen. An striking man, probably in his twenties, walked up to me at the barn I was working in, he asked me where Rita was, I had no idea, there wasn’t a Rita in the barn, horse or human. He shook his head in frustration, mumbled a curse word and walked on past me; he faded as he reached the office door down the aisle. Two weeks later Rita arrived at the barn, she was about my mom’s age. Over time I built a friendship with her and learned she had once shown horses for this barn. Her father had learned she was planning on marrying the groom at the barn and shipped her off to another family member in Long Island. She’d never seen Mark again. I never told her I’d seen him.

A few months ago I had an experience with a friend. She showed up at the store, recognized me immediately and we caught up on old times. She had walked in the door like any normal person, but she had walked in almost knowing I was there. A few days later her brother called me to tell me she’d been killed, in a riding accident in Kansas, the same day I had seen her.

Sensitive, that’s what they call it...

The first time I sat in the clearing with Bowman I heard something move through the fallen leaves. I felt a presence of something there, something watching us. I had turned my head and looked but there was nothing there, at the time I had thought it was just a bunny moving through the grass. I hadn’t given it a second thought, until today.

For some reason today I didn’t go directly to the clearing. Instead I walked quietly through the rest of the trees. I took my time, simply enjoying the day and the little yellow finches in the trees. Alongside the trail a weasel ran up a tree and stared at me. As I walked past him he squealed, leapt off the tree and ran across the ground. I chuckled to myself and watched him run.

I stopped by the pond and watched the returning ducks lazily swim across the surface. There was a quiet whisper and I turned my head, wondering where it had come from, who had dared to intrude on my place. I followed the sound quietly and realized it was coming from the clearing.

My heart beat hard in my chest. I saw myself first and then him. I froze where I was and stared for a moment, “what is happening?” I thought to myself.

I sat down in the grass and watched. I stared trying to decide if I was hallucinating. The past me turned her head and looked around, the same way I had that day. My eyes brushed over where I was sitting and looked back at Bowman.

I stayed where I was and watched the figures until they got up and walked away. A few steps past me they faded. My heart pounded hard in my chest, I stood up and walked over to the clearing, unsure of what had just happened.

It was then I knew that only Beans would have the answer... If she hadn’t already told me…

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