Saturday, February 26, 2011

Novice 3D Shoot

This weekend I was invited to shoot the shoot up at the club range. It was a lot of fun. I shot very well. But none of the targets were over twenty yards. My final score was 250. Below are the pictures. I'm pretty happy with the results!
My practice round two 10s and a 5.
Mountain goat 10.
Spinning turkey 10.
 Antelope 10.
Standing bear 10.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Shoot Results

Well I accomplished my goals. With measly scores of 125 and 127 my shooting wasn't the greatest, but I had A LOT of fun doing it. After a combined 80 ends I am really really tired.
It's a ten! I actually out shot the boys, to bad the luck didn't continue

I shot mostly fives and walls. But I am pretty proud of my four eights and my one ten. Did I mention that that ten was on a 48 yard shot! With ranges from 20 to 48 yards I had some problems using my pins. I couldn't judge the distances very well, that's something I need to work on. I was also over aiming and over shooting. 

But I had lots of fun. The shots were all different. Two were mounted, two from a make shift tree stand, and several on simulated hills. I especially enjoyed the mounted shooting, it was right up my alley.
Well it's back to the grind on Monday.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Archery Goals- Catching up

I've been really sick for the past four days. I finally got in to see the doc, and now I've got bronchitis. Ugh.
I didn't shoot Tuesday but I am shooting tonight, tomorrow, and Saturday. I'm super excited. I'm shooting the 3d this weekend. wish me luck, I'm going to need it. Actually pray for the pink barbie arrows that they all return home safely! Oh I forgot to mention that my friends gave my arows a nick name, the pink barbie arrows.
Anyway my goals are really simple, keep it consistant and just enjoy myself. Easy goals, or so I hope.
I'll catch up with you Saturday or Sunday.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Busy Week Ahead

I've got an extremely exhausting week coming up. I have to be up by 3:30 am to get pretty and drive to work. I'm thinking that half hour drive is going to wear me pretty thin, pretty quick. I work Monday thru Friday, 5:00 am to 1:00 pm. With a meeting running late on Wednesday and stock coming in on Thursday. I shoot Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week. I'm thinking by next Sunday I'm going to be exhausted.

I'm really excited about the next week. I'll be taking on more responsibilities for my job. I'm going to be meeting all of my crew and ordering for the store. I'm super excited to shoot this much and hang out with my archery friends. Stace and Big D will be here, I'm super excited to see them both.

I'll post my archery goals for the week on Tuesday, then I'll recap both practices as usual. Plus goals for the tournament and a recap. Hope I'll have some good news.

Alright I want to share this song with you this weekend. Thanks Stace for sending me the link, your right...

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Check List

Last night was five spot night. I dread five spot nights because I can’t shoot it as well. But I must say I’m pretty happy with myself, 300/500. That’s the highest score I’ve shot on a five spot night.
Last night, I confided in Farmer that I was starting to get frustrated and lose my confidence. I was really starting to feel like a rookie. So as we get ready to shoot he wanders his way over to me and whispers, “I’ll help you tonight as much as I can. I don’t want to see you frustrated.”
My first end was my worst, the next round Farmer helped. He coached me through the whole end. When he saw something wrong he helped me fix it. He taught me the proper way to use my peep sight and showed me what a difference it really makes.
Farmer also bolstered my confidence. I shot a 10,10,10,8,10. “Beck I’m so proud of you! That was an amazing end!” And sure enough his words of encouragement carried me through the night with more amazing ends.

I’m really happy with the improvement. I want to keep hold of it as long as I can. I’ll be shooting four times next week, two practices and two tournament shoots. I’ve got a “check list” in my head for every time I get anchored and think I’m ready to release the trigger. Farmer helped me set it up. It helps keep out wandering and rapid thoughts. It worked wonders last night, I’m hoping it keeps working for me.

Before I sign off I want to wish Big D lots of luck in Vegas this weekend. You are a really great shooter, you inspire me every day to continue on. I only have half your strength, and as I watch you travel through life I know that if you can make it I will to. I love you like my big brother, because you've always been there for me. I wish I could be in Vegas with you this weekend, but you know I'm rooting for you all the way from here. Just remember to not let anyone tear you down, you are a great shooter and you damn well know it!!! Maybe next year I'll be on that shooting line with you. No pressure, but make us proud!!! Love you lots!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Archery Goals and Happenings

Tuesday was awesome, I improved my score by 55 points. But tonight I just want to shoot a 200. I'm not sure if Tuesday was a fluke or not. I need to work on the flinching, it's improved but I won't be happy until I'm not doing it. I feel myself trying to flinch and catch myself and stop it. But the whole sequence just needs to stop, if that makes sense. I also need to work on dropping my front shoulder. I felt it happening, it's an easy fix and I think I've caught it before it really effects me. Maybe not, I may be eating those words.

I want to shoot league and then shoot 30 yards for a little while. I shot two ends Tuesday night at 30 yards. It's interesting to me because I'm already dropping my bow expecting the arrow to have hit and then all the sudden I hear the muffled smack, I'm going to have to remind myself to stay in position until I hear the arrow since I can't follow the arrow down range with my eyes. Something else I hear I need to work on, following the arrow with my eyes.
For the Bowhunter Freestyle class in the upcoming shoot I'm going to have to be able to shoot 40 yards. I need to get my 40 yard pin sighted in and pray to the archery gods it's correct, because once I'm in the shoot I can't change my sight.

I start my new job today at 8 AM. Tomorrow I have to be to work at 5 in the morning, which means I have to be up at 4 because of the half hour drive to town. None the less I'm pretty excited about the job! ( That wasn't complaining!) I'm in training to be the store manager for the local agriculture cooperative. It'll be a lot of work and stress but it'll all be okay because I can handle it all!!!
It's finally starting to warm up. 41 degrees today. It's supposed to be nice all weekend, I hope so, and I hope next week is nice too! I'm really tired of snow!!! This weekend I have to help Grandpa at the Gun Show, sigh exciting stuff! Not! But I also want to get some riding in since its supposed to be above freezing!!! Hopefully I'll have adventures from the trail on Monday for my horsey readers!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wisdom Wednesday

I'm going to be playing with Wisdom Wednesday's until I find a groove that works for me. Got suggestions? Leave a comment or catch me on facebook!

"Never let go of hope. One day you will see that it all has finally come together. What you have always wished for has finally come to be. You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself... 'How did I get through all of that?"

What Hope means to me:
To me hope is the feeling that there is a greater plan. Hope means that no matter how rough the going gets I can and will make it through it, because I was meant for something greater.

Why I'm still hopeful:
I use this sentence a lot "I'm hopeful." Over time I've learned that being hopeful in a bad situation is all that one can be. I know that the rough times are only temporary. I've learned that no matter how dark the night is the sun will rise and in the brightness of the day hope will reign.

Question of the Week:
What are you hopeful for?    Me, well I'm hopeful that my plan for my life will eventually come together.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mild Improvement

We finally got my peep sight and kisser button installed. The peep sight works wonderfully its a Whisper Lite. It really cuts down on outside distraction. I'm not watching where the guys arrows are hitting and I'm not worried about the shooter next to me. Oh did I mention I shot a 255/300! Improvement! Finally!!! I only flinched once and it was when I put to much pressure on the trigger and it released before I was anchored, it wasn't even a wall shot!I wasn't distracted in my head. I let myself relax and really focus on the shots.

I forgot pictures, I'm sorry I'll get them on Thursday. I did feel a little drop in my front shoulder, but it's a problem that I know how to fix! Wohoo! I'm so excited for the improvement I bet I won't sleep a wink tonight!!! I can hardly wait for Thursday!

Archery Goals

It's pretty close to negative degrees again today. We're currently looking at 8 degrees Fahrenheit. I haven't heard if the range is closed today, I'm waiting till about three to call MC. So I'm going to make my goals for tonight anyway.
Last Thursday I shot a 200, tonight I'm hoping to stay the same, if I improve wonderful if I don't well shit happens. No frustration, I'm not going to be frustrated. (yeah right!) I also want to improve my accuracy, I've got to work on the flinching. I double checked my trigger, there's no movement, I can apply mild pressure without it releasing.
I can tell you the dialogue in my head when the flinching happens. I'm relaxed into the shot, I've got my bow arm bent and relaxed, I'm anchored and looking through the sight at the boss. I'm breathing settled mind clear and all the sudden I start thinking, "Okay let it go. No wait. No it's okay go ahead. Wait one second." and somewhere in the dialogue the trigger is released, it's a surprise and I'm flinching, we are talking both eyes closed, anchor lost, a pure throw away shot, these are usually my wall shots.
Last week I only had two wall shots, two flinch shots. I've improved but like I said I just have to get outta my head, make myself shut up, because if you can't tell I like to talk, ha, you probably already knew that by the mountain of posts I post in one week!!!
Anyway mild improvement is all I'm hoping to see. I want MC to take some pictures of my stance, I'm wondering if I'm dropping my shoulder or doing something else that is aiding in the flinching. The guys who have been helping me at the range don't seem to concerned about my stance, but after three years of lessons you'd hope I'd be pretty rock solid. All I know is I've got to get outta of my funk and get my shots cleaned up for the shoot in two weeks. Maybe I'll just shoot recurve in it...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Stars

"Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy." 
~Author Unknown

I stood staring up at the stars thinking about Sonny. The cold night air sent shivers down my back. I closed my eyes and imagined her across the counter from me. Her blue eyes beaming as she sucked her cancer stick down, "These things'll kill ya, ya know." I opened my eyes and heard her laugh. I smiled. "One hell of a woman." I whispered up into the stars.

I dwelled a little longer and thought about everything she said to me. The advice I absorbed from her plays throughout my head on a continuous loop. Her voice brightens my day no matter what. And when I'm shooting and I'm pissed off at myself because I can't get a grip, I silently ask for her help, and usually I get it. I know that's crazy talk, and you scoff. But I feel her guidance; I can see her standing next to me just like she did in my lessons. I can hear her say what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it. I can hear her encouragement when I get down on myself.

I talk and think about Sonny a lot. I think it's because I really miss her and feel guilty. When asked the question of whom I would spend an afternoon with dead or alive, the answer is always her. Maybe then I'd get to apologize for not listening to her about getting married. I still feel guilty that I blew her off completely, I can make all the excuses I want, but none of them ever help me feel better.

I shifted a little as the shooting star streaked across the middle of the sky. I wish I could say I wished for world peace, the end to all wars, happiness for everyone on Earth, or even for the poor to become rich, but I can’t, instead I wished for her forgiveness. I cried a little as I did, then I could hear her voice, “Girl what you crying for, I forgave you a long time ago.” I scoffed and grabbed my bow out of the car and sulked towards the house. I took one last look at the stars as I opened the door; they twinkled above, my heart sung as I felt peace wash over me.

Maybe I’ve finally reached my inner peace. Maybe she really did forgive me. And maybe, just maybe, she really is still here with me. I hope so, because I need her now more then ever.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


It's taken some time but I think I've finally calmed down enough to talk about this. I was at the range with my new arrows on Thursday when a fellow archer, who meant nothing by it remarked about my pink "Barbie" arrows. He was joking and I took it as such, it didn't bother me one bit. But shortly there after I received a text from a "friend" who had just read my blog and saw my new arrows and the fact that there was "a lot of pink" on the blog. He remarked that I wasn't a real shooter or bowhunter if I was shooting anything pink, be it arrows or a bow.

I took a lot of offense at his remarks, I don't think that's a joke. I may be inexperienced. I may not be the best shooter in the world. And I know sure as hell I'm not perfect. But I am a serious shooter. I live, breath, and bleed archery. I spend hours reading about shooting techniques and products. I support other archers, I learn from their successes and their failures. I learn because I want to grow and become the best shooter I can possibly be. I don't see how being a woman effects any of that.

Pink is my color. Yes I consider myself a girly girl, no I don't think that means I shouldn't shoot and that's not why I shoot pink. You really want to know why I shoot pink?... because it supports a cause, a reason, it provides hope. I'm proud to own and shoot pink arrows. I'm PROUD to be part of the pink arrow project. If you don't like the fact that I'm a woman and I shoot pink, well you can just shove off.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fustration on the Range

My first arrow of the night was a wall shot. "Dear Lord I should have known it was going to be one of these nights!" I screamed in my head. I knocked my second arrow and drew back, anchored and took a deep breath. I let the pin float softly around the gold. "Breath." I whispered in my head, "breath." I released the trigger and listened to the smack of my new arrow. I blinked and looked down range, to the left of center about 1 inch. I knocked my next arrow. The little girls rested their bows on the bow stand. I breathed, aware of their eyes on me. "Breath" I whispered, the pin floated around the yellow. I sucked a breath in and let the release go. The arrow struck perfectly center. By the end of the night I had shot an even 200. It wasn't great, but it is an improvement. I still had a lot of problems, a lot! I walked away from the practice frustrated.

My proficiency at the range has absolutely sucked as of late. I'm in my head to much, worried about getting my pins perfectly in the center of the target. Worried if my draw length is to long or if the draw weight is too much. Concerned about smacking myself in the arm and a bow bruise. Wondering if the other archers are staring at me, criticizing me in their heads. Hoping my arrows aren't to long or too short for me. Sometimes I drag my divorce into my head and then I'm really messed up and unable to shoot clearly. And occasionally the hurt of losing Sonny, the woman who taught me how to shoot and who I consider my second mother, creeps into my heart and head. I've just been worrying about too much and not focusing on really shooting.

I've worked really hard with the trigger so I'm not so trigger happy, it's helped, but occasionally I feel like I'm rushing myself. I never had that problem shooting fingers. I'm constantly trying to keep my bow arm rigid, which I know isn't right, but for some reason I always have to remind myself to relax and stop locking my arm and knees. I spent two years in lessons trying to get rid of the rigid arms. MC always has a smarty comment about me being stiff, I'll let your mind wander on that one.

Occasionally I flinch when I release the trigger, usually when I think to much about it. Or I'll let the string pull my arm forward, or I'll just release the release mid draw, and sometimes I can't reach the same anchor point. I've got a lot to work on. I know I'm not going to be perfect, show me an archer who doesn't find flaws in themselves and I'll show you Ted Nugent. I bet he even finds flaws in himself. I want to make major improvements, but first I HAVE to get out of my head!

I'm a little less frustrated right now. Next Tuesday has to be good, it has to be. I can't stand being fustrated with myself, it just makes thing so much worse. I do have to look at the brightside and be optimistic, I did shoot a 200 it is an improvement, but it's also a long way off of 500!

Goals for Archery Night

Alright it's archery night, just like every Thursday. I've been extra anxious for tonight for some reason. We are installing my peep sight, kisser button, and I'm getting to shoot my new arrows! I've decided that I NEED to start setting goals for myself each time I shoot, weather it's improving my score or improving something else, I need a goal.
So my goal for tonight is to improve my score by 100 points, that would bring me to 255, it's not a fabulous number, but we all have to start somewhere. I also want to try the floating trick, I'm thinking over aiming is where 95% of my accuracy problems are steaming from. Well see, I'll let you know how I get on.
My other goal is to just enjoy myself. Let shooting relax me, and stop worrying about all my other problems. I'm there to shoot, I'm there to be confident and not let anyone break me down. I need to be confident in my ability to shoot, not cocky, just confident.
So here goes nothing! Wish me Luck!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Today my computer is telling me it's -8 degrees outside. The weather man isn't hopeful that today will get any warmer. The snow has stopped and the horses are digging through it to the grass on the bottom. They are ignoring the hay completely, hopeful for a little bit of green, which isn't there.

Archery has been cancelled for the night, I didn't intend to brave the sub-zero temps anyway. I'm not that much of a die-hard. The forecast is -17 by 6:00 PM. Sigh looks like I'll have to have to corgis snuggle up with me tonight if the power goes out. We've been having power outages just about every night since Friday. But since they aren't calling for freezing moisture the lines should stay up.

I really hate to complain, we've had a really nice winter, so far, knock on wood! And we are only a couple of months away from spring, but I'm ready for 60 degree weather. I'm ready for the spring archery turkey season. I'm ready to lope the horses on beautiful spring days. Splashing through the water, feeling like a kid again. There is something about Spring that brings me back to being a kid. I get a tingly feeling throughout my body and get the itch to be in the saddle.

I love shedding horses out. I love being covered in horse hair and their scent. I love wearing mud boots and a rain coat. I love the sound of a thunder storm rolling in. I love a crisp rain as it washes down my face and the lightning as it races across the sky. I love rainbows and double rainbows. The sound of happy finches in the trees. Colts racing through the fresh green grass, kicking their heels in the air. I love the first horse show of the season. I love the big puffy clouds in the rich blue sky. I love the sandhills in first green and bloom. I love buying flowers for the flower beds. But most of all I love the feeling of hope and brightness that spring brings. Believe me I need that feeling more now then ever.

So even though it's sub-zero today I'm dreaming of beautiful Spring days. I know they are right around the corner. Winter might be in full force today, but soon, very soon I'll be tromping through the mud enjoying the thaw out of 2011. Soon . . . very soon.
