As I ring in the new year I am also thinking about last year. While there isn't a defined change from yesterday to today, 2012 does mean something to me. It means that I get another opportunity to make my life what I want it to be. I started this process in 2011, I intend to keep the changes and make some more in 2012. Instead of New Year Resolutions I decided to let things happen the way Fate wants them to be. Tonight I thought I'd share my best 2011 moments.
Best Moments of 2011
Harley Sportster
I first fell in love with my Harley in Septemeber. The second I laid eyes on it I knew that somewhere in the future it would be mine. If it weren't for a broken heart and a good friend I'd still be dreaming about her. My sportster has become a new passion, when given the opportunity I stand in the garage and play with her. My first ride on her went well and now I'm hooked, there is no going back.
First Motorcycle Ride
There is so much about Bowman and his Road King I will never forget, but that first ride is a moment in time that will forever stick with me. I was hesitant about riding. I have friends who ride; D, Stephens, MC, Farmer, they all told me I needed to ride. But I drug my feet and made excuses. Until one day Bowman showed up with a helmet and left the option out of it. It was a day that changed my life forever. If it hadn't been for that first ride, the love Bowman instilled in me, there would have been no reason to buy the new love of my life. It's one afternoon I will never forget.
Breaking BlueRocks with Handsome
Though the relationship was short it's still a couple of months that I wish I could relive. Breaking bluerocks in the late spring afternoons is a moment I often return to when I am stressed. I think about how he helped me learn to follow the clays. I remember the Mike's Hards and the sound of his 20 gauge. But mostly I remember him healing my heart, teaching me it was okay to love again.
Deadwood with Handsome
I never got a honeymoon in my marriage. While Handsome wasn't my husband it still felt like the honeymoon I never got. Wine tasting in the hills, playing the slots in the evening, dinner out, the late night concert, and laying my head on his chest when my ear infection got to me. Little did I know that in a couple of months things would change, but that moment in time was one of the happiest in my life so far.
Summer Nights
I've always loved summer, that's no secret. There is something about watching the stars late at night that makes me feel whole again. I remember wishing for my lady bug. I remember Heritage Days. I remember the night I stayed up with Bowman. I remember the first kiss on that summer evening. I remember standing at the range talking till midnight. Those summer nights were full of blossoming love, they were full of change.
Divorce Finalized
You'd think this was a sad moment. But for me my divorce signified the change, it began my new life. It put me on this road to Happily Ever After. This time I am a little bit more prepared. I didn't see it as an end, I saw it as a beginning.
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