Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Wake

"Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back"

I thought that specific line from Florence and the Macines' song Dog Days are Over fit so perfectly for this post. I thought, while I was struggling through my divorce that the wake would be the worst part. But so far it hasn't been. Sure I've gotten into at least one mess in two weeks, but I've quickly remedied the situation.
But like Florence says the Dog Days are over. My life isn't miserable anymore. I don't lay in bed and pray that I don't have to get up. Most mornings I bounce out of bed and head to work, where I spend my time building friendships and relationships with my customers. I've made so many new friends and immersed myself into the Archery life.
The enjoyment of living has started to come back. Of course I'm not saying everyday is perfect, but everyday brings challenges for me to over come. I love the thrill of a challenge. I'm living my life one day at a time. I'm breathing every breath and thinking about every moment.
God has given me a chance to make my life my own. He's guided me to this very point in time and he'll continue to guide me further. The reasons for my divorce are my own, God lead me to this answer. The morning I watched the doe walk away from her buck I knew what He meant. When I asked for the answer He gave it to me. I've asked for a lot of guidance from him, and when I listen I get what I've asked for. When I don't listen is when I get myself into a mess.

There is something I want really badly. I've wanted it for awhile, but I've been extra patient. I'm thinking I'm going to have to continue to be extra patient with it. Which is fine because that is what God wants. He's teaching me a lesson.

My friends have been quizzing me about what I want in a potential boyfriend. It gives me pause. I have a list made out in my head, but I have to think about how flexible I am with it. Curious? Alright I'll show you the list.
1. An outdoorsman, Rifleman, bowman, or Horseman
2. Reliable
3. Generous and considerate
4. Excellent with kids. Wants a family of his own eventually
5. Patient
6. This one is a biggie and is non flexible, faithful!

There's the list. How flexible am I? I'm not sure, but number six is non flexible, I'll never go through what I've been through ever again.
In the meantime the wake hasn't been to bad. There haven't been any tidal waves, and I'm not anticipating any. I'm looking toward the future. But most of all I'm happy. After all the Dog Days are over.


  1. Sounds like things are going well, on the upswing. Yea!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Bif! Things are going really well! My passion for riding and life in general has started to come back, it was something I lost in my marriage, my passion.
    But now I'm happy!
