Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Doinker

I've either been around the guys to long  or not enough... I'll give you proof... and you can decide...
MC "Beck, you should get a Doinker, it'll really improve your accuracy."
Me: "I don't need a weenie to shoot. Thank you very much."
MC: "Um a Doinker is a stabilizer."
Me: "Oh..."
My girlfriends and I used to call weenies, doinkers. (Boy I sure hope there aren't any kids that read my blog) But sure enough it really is a brand of stabilizer, Doinker, and here I thought he was giving me a hard time for being a girl. Silly boys they haven't learned that bows are for girls! No I'm just kidding, anyone of them can easily out shoot me.
I shot horribly Thursday night, a 155. I know, it was awful. My little eight year old, well she really isn't mine but I'll claim her, out shot me by 100 points!!! Ugh I've really got to get it together. I have a new set of dozen arrows, the Big D ordered me, coming in the mail. But as hard as I've been on my old aluminums I'm a little apprehensive to shoot these new ones. If I could keep them outta the wall and the wood it wouldn't be so bad. I don't want to have to call the Big D and tell him I ruined the arrows he gifted to me, it'd probably hurt his feelings!
Anyway I'm going to practice up a little more, I'm going to start shooting on Tuesdays also. It's usually the kids night at the range, but the guys recognize how much practice I really need! I'm not ashamed to admit it that I really need A LOT of practice.
I picked up my recurve today for the first time in a few weeks. I can shoot it really well, mostly 8s and 10s, but for some reason that compound throws me for a loop. I've relaxed into the shot and everything, I just don't know whats wrong and it's a little frustrating. The Big D also ordered me a kisser button and peep sight, we're hopeful those will help me reach the same anchor point every time. Okay it's a lot frustrating. But no matter what I'm not giving up, eventually I'll get to where I need to be, it'll just take lots of practice and time.

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