Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The New Life: Introducing Bowman

Today a newer character in my life makes his debut on the blog; with an entry all about him. I’ve known Bowman since January; he’s actually made a couple of minor appearances before, under a different name. I can picture the exact moment he walked into my life. I still remember his shy smile and the way he kept me in eyesight. Mostly I remember the flutter of my heart as I realized that, what I all the sudden felt, was stronger then anything I’d ever felt before. He stole my heart instantly.
Over the last couple of weeks our relationship has budded and now it’s blossomed into a beautiful romance. He swept me up as soon as I came on to the market. Bowman was my rock when I found myself struggling through some of the darkest days I’ve had. He gave me confidence and support when I needed it the most. He’s given me his all and in return I’m giving him my all.
Alright now that you know about Bowman let me tell you what he did for me yesterday. He helped me check something off my bucket list, ride a motorcycle. His motorcycle is a big part of his life, I can appreciate that, it’s similar to me and my horses. So being able to share this with him is something I hope he’ll let me do.
Yesterday afternoon as I swung over the bike nerves were pulsating throughout my body. I was a happy mix of nerves and excitement. My mother’s nagging concern was quickly pushed aside as he started the bike. As it rumbled my screaming knee quieted. I relaxed into the seat and laid my hand onto his shoulder. I kept from wrapping my arms around him, though there was a moment or two when I felt I needed to. As we cruised through town he reached back and laid his hand on my leg. It made me feel safe and confidant, I knew I was right where I needed to be.

Ten blocks into it I fell completely in love with being on the bike. I quiet honestly wasn’t ready to get off at the end of the ride, but work always calls.  I’m excited and anxious for the next time he takes me out. I hope he doesn’t make me wait to long, I might not make! He may be subjected to puppy dog eyes…


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