Saturday, February 19, 2011

Shoot Results

Well I accomplished my goals. With measly scores of 125 and 127 my shooting wasn't the greatest, but I had A LOT of fun doing it. After a combined 80 ends I am really really tired.
It's a ten! I actually out shot the boys, to bad the luck didn't continue

I shot mostly fives and walls. But I am pretty proud of my four eights and my one ten. Did I mention that that ten was on a 48 yard shot! With ranges from 20 to 48 yards I had some problems using my pins. I couldn't judge the distances very well, that's something I need to work on. I was also over aiming and over shooting. 

But I had lots of fun. The shots were all different. Two were mounted, two from a make shift tree stand, and several on simulated hills. I especially enjoyed the mounted shooting, it was right up my alley.
Well it's back to the grind on Monday.