Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Bowhunter's Legacy: A Year Ago

It was a year ago last Thursday when I first started to shoot with the guys down at the range. A lot has changed. I've gone through three bows and about two dozen arrows. I've made more friends then I can count. But somewhere in it all I changed. I became more like the woman I want to be.

Arie, the Pink Parker, is finally shooting well. I finally got help adjusting it so the sight works properly. I am now shooting groups the size of quarters. It's only taken a year and around six sights to get to this point, but I am finally doing it.  The first night I sighted in my sight I thought it was fluke. I'm known for shooting great groups and then suddenly throwing my arrows all over. But last night, the third time I've consistently shot with this sight, we played follow the leader. Basically a game of HORSE, an archer picks shots he knows he can make but doesn't believe the other players can. Anyway I didn't break one arrow, didn't miss one target, and all were worth a score. I was extremely happy, and when I went back to the paper target I was still shooting quarter sized groups.

I'll be in Omaha for a couple of weeks before the first archery tournament here at the range. I have set up a couple of pro lessons and enlisted the Big D to help me so I continute on with this growth. I'll have available time and a private range, thanks to the D. I am hoping I'll return with the confidence and a bow that shoots better then before.

There may be Hope yet!

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