Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Today my computer is telling me it's -8 degrees outside. The weather man isn't hopeful that today will get any warmer. The snow has stopped and the horses are digging through it to the grass on the bottom. They are ignoring the hay completely, hopeful for a little bit of green, which isn't there.

Archery has been cancelled for the night, I didn't intend to brave the sub-zero temps anyway. I'm not that much of a die-hard. The forecast is -17 by 6:00 PM. Sigh looks like I'll have to have to corgis snuggle up with me tonight if the power goes out. We've been having power outages just about every night since Friday. But since they aren't calling for freezing moisture the lines should stay up.

I really hate to complain, we've had a really nice winter, so far, knock on wood! And we are only a couple of months away from spring, but I'm ready for 60 degree weather. I'm ready for the spring archery turkey season. I'm ready to lope the horses on beautiful spring days. Splashing through the water, feeling like a kid again. There is something about Spring that brings me back to being a kid. I get a tingly feeling throughout my body and get the itch to be in the saddle.

I love shedding horses out. I love being covered in horse hair and their scent. I love wearing mud boots and a rain coat. I love the sound of a thunder storm rolling in. I love a crisp rain as it washes down my face and the lightning as it races across the sky. I love rainbows and double rainbows. The sound of happy finches in the trees. Colts racing through the fresh green grass, kicking their heels in the air. I love the first horse show of the season. I love the big puffy clouds in the rich blue sky. I love the sandhills in first green and bloom. I love buying flowers for the flower beds. But most of all I love the feeling of hope and brightness that spring brings. Believe me I need that feeling more now then ever.

So even though it's sub-zero today I'm dreaming of beautiful Spring days. I know they are right around the corner. Winter might be in full force today, but soon, very soon I'll be tromping through the mud enjoying the thaw out of 2011. Soon . . . very soon.


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