Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Archery Goals

It's pretty close to negative degrees again today. We're currently looking at 8 degrees Fahrenheit. I haven't heard if the range is closed today, I'm waiting till about three to call MC. So I'm going to make my goals for tonight anyway.
Last Thursday I shot a 200, tonight I'm hoping to stay the same, if I improve wonderful if I don't well shit happens. No frustration, I'm not going to be frustrated. (yeah right!) I also want to improve my accuracy, I've got to work on the flinching. I double checked my trigger, there's no movement, I can apply mild pressure without it releasing.
I can tell you the dialogue in my head when the flinching happens. I'm relaxed into the shot, I've got my bow arm bent and relaxed, I'm anchored and looking through the sight at the boss. I'm breathing settled mind clear and all the sudden I start thinking, "Okay let it go. No wait. No it's okay go ahead. Wait one second." and somewhere in the dialogue the trigger is released, it's a surprise and I'm flinching, we are talking both eyes closed, anchor lost, a pure throw away shot, these are usually my wall shots.
Last week I only had two wall shots, two flinch shots. I've improved but like I said I just have to get outta my head, make myself shut up, because if you can't tell I like to talk, ha, you probably already knew that by the mountain of posts I post in one week!!!
Anyway mild improvement is all I'm hoping to see. I want MC to take some pictures of my stance, I'm wondering if I'm dropping my shoulder or doing something else that is aiding in the flinching. The guys who have been helping me at the range don't seem to concerned about my stance, but after three years of lessons you'd hope I'd be pretty rock solid. All I know is I've got to get outta of my funk and get my shots cleaned up for the shoot in two weeks. Maybe I'll just shoot recurve in it...

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