Thursday, February 10, 2011

Archery Goals and Happenings

Tuesday was awesome, I improved my score by 55 points. But tonight I just want to shoot a 200. I'm not sure if Tuesday was a fluke or not. I need to work on the flinching, it's improved but I won't be happy until I'm not doing it. I feel myself trying to flinch and catch myself and stop it. But the whole sequence just needs to stop, if that makes sense. I also need to work on dropping my front shoulder. I felt it happening, it's an easy fix and I think I've caught it before it really effects me. Maybe not, I may be eating those words.

I want to shoot league and then shoot 30 yards for a little while. I shot two ends Tuesday night at 30 yards. It's interesting to me because I'm already dropping my bow expecting the arrow to have hit and then all the sudden I hear the muffled smack, I'm going to have to remind myself to stay in position until I hear the arrow since I can't follow the arrow down range with my eyes. Something else I hear I need to work on, following the arrow with my eyes.
For the Bowhunter Freestyle class in the upcoming shoot I'm going to have to be able to shoot 40 yards. I need to get my 40 yard pin sighted in and pray to the archery gods it's correct, because once I'm in the shoot I can't change my sight.

I start my new job today at 8 AM. Tomorrow I have to be to work at 5 in the morning, which means I have to be up at 4 because of the half hour drive to town. None the less I'm pretty excited about the job! ( That wasn't complaining!) I'm in training to be the store manager for the local agriculture cooperative. It'll be a lot of work and stress but it'll all be okay because I can handle it all!!!
It's finally starting to warm up. 41 degrees today. It's supposed to be nice all weekend, I hope so, and I hope next week is nice too! I'm really tired of snow!!! This weekend I have to help Grandpa at the Gun Show, sigh exciting stuff! Not! But I also want to get some riding in since its supposed to be above freezing!!! Hopefully I'll have adventures from the trail on Monday for my horsey readers!

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