Tuesday, February 28, 2012

From the Saddle: Happiness in the Herd

The cold winter drizzle soaked through my coat, into my skin and bones. I shivered a little as I walked towards the round pen. The horses stood in the tree line, attempting to stay dry. I sighed as I walked through the gate and shut it behind me.

Sweet Cheeks whinnied a little recognizing the grain bucket in my hand. “Come on Sweet Cheeks!” I hollered after him.

He trotted across the field as I poured a scoop into the grain pan. Boo boo trotted after him, followed by the White filly. I poured them each a scoop and set the empty bucket into the tack room. I ran my hand across my saddle, smiled and grabbed a halter off the hook.

The White filly stood munching her grain happily in the rain. I smiled at her, the picture reminded me so much of the mare she’s named after. I ran my hand across her back and rump. She stood still chewing. I slipped the halter down around her nose and buckled it. She sighed.

We stood together in the rain as she finished her grain. I ran my hands through her thin mane. Happiness struck me hard as I realized things were beginning to fall into place. She sighed as I braided her mane. “I’ve got to be careful.” I mumbled.

The knowing that this could all be taken away over flooded the happiness. Remembering the heartache I’d been through just a few months ago didn’t bring tears to my eyes. But knowing that I need to keep my heart guarded stung too much. I began to hate the reasons why I have to do that.

The White filly wiped her nose on my jeans. Sweet cheeks stood behind me, patiently waiting his turn. Boo boo stood licking his pan, hoping it’d produce more sweet feed. I sighed as I realized no matter what the happiness of standing in the horse herd couldn’t be broken.

I undid the buckle and let the filly walk off. I scratched the grey’s forehead and rubbed Boo boo’s neck. Happiness flooded me again as I thought about More. I thought about the way he kisses me and silently wished for a million more of those moments. 

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