Saturday, July 2, 2011

The New Life: Wanted- Distractions

Wanted- Distractions

Handsome is going on vacation for ten days, without me.
This will be the longest time I've been apart from him since we started dating. I'm not entirely sure how I will handle it. There was a time when I could hardly handle four days, and as his departure date looms my heart has begun to sting in my chest.

In an effort to prepare myself I've warned my friends their week will be dedicated to trying to distract me. A golf lesson, a game of tennis, jogs around the park, trail rides, shooting, two nights at the rodeo, drinking, etc , etc. It helps that my momma will be here mid vacation. She's a great distraction and I always find it hard to be sad when she is around.
But here is my prediction for the week:

Day one:

50% chance of rapid mood swings

Day two:

60% chance of random angry outburst

Day Three:

70% chance of reclusive behavior

Day Four:

60% chance distractions will cure upset behavior

Day Five:

80% chance phone calls aren’t helping, distractions will be needed

Day six:

90% chance of rampant alcoholism

Day seven:

100% chance of a hangover

Day eight:

50% chance knowing he’ll be home in three days will settle me down

Day Nine:

60% chance I’ll be pissy

Day ten:

90% chance my mood will be back to normal

I hate to admit it but I know for sure I'm going to be missing Handsome. Our brief phone calls will be nice, but it's not the same as a face to face talk, and I'm sure he'll be to busy to talk to his girlfriend. Sigh....
There is some anger right there. Oh geeze it's already begun....

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