Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Bowhunter's Legacy: Chasing the Arrows

It would seem we are back to square one with Arie, my bow. She isn’t cooperating and is really starting to frustrate me. I spent last night down at the range with a friend chasing my arrows around the target. We’d move the sight up only to move it back down. It not only frustrated me it frustrated Jace.

As my hunting trip looms I find myself slightly panicked. I’ve called up to Black Hills Archery, he’ll take a look at my bow to make sure everything is okay and to make sure the limbs aren’t twisted. But as the frustration settles back into my chest I start to think that coming home with a moose might be next to impossible.

I’ve spent so much time in lessons learning proper form. I’ve adapted from recurve to compound. I’ve done everything to get myself ready, but I’m still struggling. The added pressure of the hunt isn’t helping. When I am shooting I do everything to push the pressure off. A lot of times I can get rid of it, but there is still that looming date September 5th, the day I arrive in Alaska.

Sure I’ve still got plenty of time, but if I don’t find out what is going on pretty soon the hunt of a lifetime might not be worth packing my bags for.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wisdom Wednesday

It's been awhile since we've had a wisdom Wednesday. Today I got this advice from a friend. I think it's worth passing on and living by....

"Sometimes we don't see what is right in front of us because we keep looking behind us. Turn around and look in front of you. See the future, live for it, let the past be the past."-M


Sunday, July 10, 2011

The New Life: Old Friends

Today I realized how much I really do miss my friends in Omaha.
I spent fourty five minutes talking to my best friend from high school. It's amazing how much our lives have changed, how much we've both changed, but mostly its amazing how we picked up the conversation where it left off. T and I were pretty close in high school, I considered her a sister, I still do. When she asked why I hadn't called to tell her my life was falling apart I didn't have a good answer. But I honestly wanted to so bad. I guess I figured she had a lot going on in her life, she didn't need my stress too. I've missed her everyday from the day she stood up with me at my wedding. I hope we can really make time for each other, I'm longing for the fun times we used to have together.

Afterwards I roamed the Big D's facebook page. I haven't talked to him in about two months. I've called and left messages, it would appear I've done something to make him mad. The Big D and I always had a close relationship. He helped me early on in my archery career, as a matter of fact he still helps me he just doenst know it. He is just like my Pappa. I really miss talking to him. Today I saw he got a huge tom during the turkey season. It made me miss him more, knowing I wasn't there to share in the excitment. I wish things were back to normal with him. Maybe I'll invite him out for deer season and see where it leads. I miss my Pappa, I hope he comes around.

Lastly I miss Ames. I just saw her last month. We caught up and talked about our futures. I still find myself missing her. I miss how we used to go down to the arena and roam around on our horses. I miss all the laughs that echoed throughout the barn. I miss the encouragment and the hope she filled me with. In all honesty she isn't that far away, I could go up anytime and see her, but for some reason my busy life holds me back. She is another sister of mine. I hope we never lose that because I love her as if we were family.

Why I've all the sudden started missing my friends I don't know. But I do know that having Handsome in Omaha for the last week has really made me miss Omaha. When I talk to him I can almost hear Omaha behind him. I can picture him out with his friends and it really makes me miss all of my friends still there. Honestly when I ran from Omaha I didn't intend to run from my friends. I didnt mean to abandone them, it just kind of happened.

T, Big D, Ames, I love you guys so much, you are my extended family... I promise I'll make more time for you guys... I promise come hell or high water I'll be there.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

From the Saddle: Luna

Legado de la Luna. That is her name, Legacy of the Moon. The day she was born was the day my life changed forever. I had made a lot of life decisions. I was distracted and un happy. When I found her in the pasture with her momma all my worries were gone.
The day of my riding accident was a bad day. Work and my relationship had worried me. My nerves and patience were fried, in hindsight that is probably what got me into the accident. But before the accident I stood down by the round pen as my assistant worked her horse. I watched her closely as she bonded with the mare. Then quietly and swiftly I felt a nibble on the back of my shirt. Luna was still lose in the pasture, and there she stood behind me.
I turned and petted her. I rubbed her whole body, it was only the second time I had ever touched her. My heart flew into my throat as I realized the gift I've been given. The only other mare I've ever bonded with was Moon, the very mare this filly is named for. I knew I was correct in naming her after her, Luna is just as special as Moon was.
The native Americans believed that white horses were symbols of light, hope, and the messenger of birth. White horses held a special place in their belief system. Luna holds a special place in my heart. She was born a few months before I decided I wanted a divorce. She is my symbol of hope, my guiding light.
She has come a long very nicely from the first day I handled her. I am excited to continue getting to know her and to continue her training. I know one day she is going to be a very talented little girl. Who knows maybe she is my next jumper. But even not she sure is a keeper.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Snap Shots

Today I needed a little bit of quiet. So I thought I'd share some snap shots from my New Life.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The New Life: Wanted- Distractions

Wanted- Distractions

Handsome is going on vacation for ten days, without me.
This will be the longest time I've been apart from him since we started dating. I'm not entirely sure how I will handle it. There was a time when I could hardly handle four days, and as his departure date looms my heart has begun to sting in my chest.

In an effort to prepare myself I've warned my friends their week will be dedicated to trying to distract me. A golf lesson, a game of tennis, jogs around the park, trail rides, shooting, two nights at the rodeo, drinking, etc , etc. It helps that my momma will be here mid vacation. She's a great distraction and I always find it hard to be sad when she is around.
But here is my prediction for the week:

Day one:

50% chance of rapid mood swings

Day two:

60% chance of random angry outburst

Day Three:

70% chance of reclusive behavior

Day Four:

60% chance distractions will cure upset behavior

Day Five:

80% chance phone calls aren’t helping, distractions will be needed

Day six:

90% chance of rampant alcoholism

Day seven:

100% chance of a hangover

Day eight:

50% chance knowing he’ll be home in three days will settle me down

Day Nine:

60% chance I’ll be pissy

Day ten:

90% chance my mood will be back to normal

I hate to admit it but I know for sure I'm going to be missing Handsome. Our brief phone calls will be nice, but it's not the same as a face to face talk, and I'm sure he'll be to busy to talk to his girlfriend. Sigh....
There is some anger right there. Oh geeze it's already begun....

Friday, July 1, 2011

A Bowhunter's Legacy: Quiet Season

We are in between seasons here in the sandhills. Currently there isn 't a hunting season open and the league season has yet to begin. It's quiet season. Which means when I'm down at the range I'm just puttering around. We started to play archery golf, which is quiet a fun way pass the time.

But yesterday I shot a 3d round. I was quite pleased with the results. My bow is shooting the best it ever has and I am very focused and not frustrated. It's helped to have a little down time and relax. It's something I will have to remember when league begins again, take time to just enjoy shooting.

It's been a lot of fun to just go shoot for the fun of it. It's a relaxed environment right now. There is a lot of conversation time and time to improve as an archer. But I must say I am ready for league to begin, I miss seeing some of the regular archers, I miss their crazy stories, I miss the commradery.
