Monday, September 17, 2012

The Letter to Dad

I reached out to my dad today... we will see what he has to say.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Post 400- A Fairy Tale Start

So I've been away for awhile. My fairy tale has finally found me and I have been so wrapped up in life and love I've hardly had the time to breathe. But today I took the time to stop and let the happiness catch up with me.

I am happy to say I have found my Knight in Shinning Armour!!!
I found him in a quiet man, who appeared to only be a friend, until one day I saw it in his eyes, until I realized he saw me as more. When he asked me to be his girl it felt natural, more natural then it's ever felt before. I realized then he was the man I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. He was the one who was there through everything and never once stepped back, he never disappeared when I needed him most.
Plus the big grey likes him, alot, and that horse never likes men!

An engagement ring has been discussed.

It took one ex husband, two bad boyfriends, one trip over love, to finally find my Knight in Shinning Armour.

We've reached it, the place where the old life has been forgotten. Where the hurt of Bowman has been forgotten, where he's become a complete stranger, and standing right here in front of me is my Knight in Shinning Armour.

Looking back I never thought I'd get here. I never thought I'd find my dream man. I couldn't for see myself being this happy. But it's here and it's far better then I could have ever imagined.

So I hope you'll hang on for the ride, it sounds as if excitement will be in the air for a long while.
